Sage 50

Integration using V5 Connect

Sage 50 V5 API Connect


‘V5 Connect’ allows companies that use Sage 50 as their Accounting Software to exchange data with V5 Traceability applications.

The standard method for data exchange for current releases of Sage 50 is by manual CSV export from Sage 50 and automatic import into V5 Traceability (File drop). Future releases of Sage 50 may include the JSON API, which can seamlessly integrate with V5 Connect.

The diagram below highlights Master Data locations. SG Systems uses the host Accounting Software system as the master data center. However, there are manufacturing and quality data requirements (such as BOM and Scheduling) that reside within the V5 Traceability database.

Below is a sample of a Sage 50 integration at a plant using V5 Traceability software applications for receiving, shipping, and item master. BOM & Scheduling functionality is within V5 Traceability. The data mapping process is part of our standard services package.