Lab Testing

Streamlining Sample Management: From Batch Selection to Laboratory Analysis

Manufacturing Execution System (MES)

Laboratory Testing

Ensuring compliant formulations and products, V5 Lab Test System forces automatic quarantine of selected finished goods, pending the results from your laboratory testing process.

Standard Functionality

  • Ensures all testing is performed according to product specification.
  • Co-ordinate the approval of materials where multiple samples and approvals are required.
  • Prevent usage of expired or unapproved materials.
  • Create Certificates of Analysis from test results and store results for easy retrieval.
  • Testing of in process samples (WIP Batches), finished goods or pass through raw materials.
  • Customized list of testing parameters, questions and responses.

V5 allows batches to be sampled multiple times (or once), tracks the results and generates a Certificate_Of_Analysis for all your testing parameters.

LIMS System Screen
Laboratory Information Management System
Laboratory Information Managment System Software

User Interface

From the main tile menu, a simple user interface presents the user with a choice of produced products and batches which require lab testing.

Once the product is selected for lab testing, the user will be presented with a product image and a selection of questions with Pass / Fail or variable (numeric) input parameters.  Questions can be optional or mandatory

Products may be tested once or multiple times (See Certificate_Of_Analysis_Detailed Report.  The samples average and standard deviation is calculated automatically.  Successfully tested products are released from quarantine (hold) and cleared for shipping.  COA’s are available to print or email and automatically archived.

Hold & Lab Testing Labels

Labels can be printed to identify samples currently in Lab Testing mode with the option to place on hold (auto quarantine) and suspended from shipping.  Several pre-formatted options exist which satisfy the majority of  customer installations.

Data matrix symbology is robust and allows multi directional scanning (perfect for industrial applications).

Printing options exist for direct serial, usb and networked printing (wifi or hardwired) and support existing for ZPL (Zebra), IPL (Intermec) plus FTP printing for use with print servers such as Loftware & Bartender.

Warehouse Management | Inventory Control System | Stock Control
Warehouse Management | Inventory Control System | Stock Control

Hardware Specifications

The SG lab testing software application runs on any mobile device with Windows Mobile 8/10 or later.  SG Systems is an Intermec / Zebra / DataLtd partner and provide most models for customers using the mobile WMS applications in refrigerated / freezer or general manufacturing environments.  All hardware is WiFi enabled (for factory or warehousing applications).


Standard factory devices utilize TCP/IP communications to a database using wireless LAN.  This allows multiple site operations to communicate with a central database.  Terminal support is conducted using VNC or RDC.


With V5 Traceability installed, batches are achieved with great accuracy!

Les Howell, Illes Seasonings & Flavors

We no longer need to keystroke the handwritten batch logs into Quickbooks. We’ve seen the benefits!

Eldad Jungreis, Sunflower Kitchen

V5 Traceability is truly a great system to gain full insight of your business and make decisions in a timely manner.

Anthony Pariti, Always Bagels

V5 Traceability makes the recipe formulation process more secure and dependable. Thanks a lot for the implementation!

Ricardo Hernández, Nestle

V5 Traceability helped eliminate waste, so dollars are saved!

Dave Harris, Original Bagel Company

With V5 Traceability we can track the path of our product through all production, processing and distribution stages right to the end consumer.

Scott Baker, 5 Generation Bakers