Control Center Hub

SG Systems Global | Manufacturing Traceability Software | Manufacturing Execution System MES | Paperless Traceability

Control Center Overview

SG Systems V5 Control Center Software allows setup and control of key daily production and inventory control requirements. V5 Control Center Versions

Core modules include WMS (SO/PO Fulfillment), Recipe Formulation (BOM Setup), Production Planning & Scheduling, Finished Product Creation & Label Setup, SPC, Quality Assurance & Operator Controls.

The software provides full traceability (Forward_Traceability and Backward_Traceability) for companies requiring a single solution to track materials from receiving to shipping, including the respective batching and production processes.  It also acts as middleware for companies looking to extend ERP and accounting software functionality to include real time production floor data.

Software licenses & production hardware (touch screens, scales, bar code scanners, mobile computers etc)  communicates with a SQL database (Microsoft SQL or Oracle MySQL), providing connection to single and multi site operations.

MES Manufacturing Execution System Software

Master Production Schedule

The Master Production Schedule (MPS) module allows recipe batches, finished product and QC requirements to be scheduled centrally and executed by the respective shop floor terminals.

Batches are scheduled by quantity, mix size, production location and yield.  Multi-level formulations are automatically scheduled from the top down.  Scheduling finished product requirements (from sales orders) automatically calculates the number of batches required and mix size.

Finished products scheduling can take a different route.  Often finished products contain their own BOM (Bill of Materials) which is a combination of batches, assorted packaging items and post batch additions (seeds, dusting flour etc).

Recipe Formulation

Recipe Formulations contain unique codes and descriptions, versions, production locations, BOM (Bill of Materials with weights) and label printer / scale types.

Select commodities as steps in the formulation, enter the required quantities, production locations, tolerances & messages.  Based on the default bag weight, the system calculates whole or partial additions.  Batching Terminals guarantee weighing tolerances (+/- configurable).

Hierarchical software allows recipes to be used within other recipes (timestamped WIP), either completely or partially.  Such a process ensures multi-level traceability and controls across complex manufacturing processes.

Inventory Control / Cycle Counting

User definable commodities are setup in the system allowing type (ingredient, product, packaging or formulation), standard cost (or supplier specific), minimum levels and storage location to be defined.

Received inventory is lot controlled after completing a comprehensive receiving process (see WMS section) to ensure strict QA processes are followed.  Adjustments and withdrawals can be made easily using directed Cycle Count.

Inventory is consumed using Recipe Formulation Systems or Finished Product Terminals.  This auto reduction process provides perpetual inventory and minimizes the need to hold surplus quantities.  Automatic Bulk Ingredient FIFO is controlled using the Bulk Control Terminals.

Purchase & Sales Orders

Supplier PO and Customer SO can be entered into the SG Systems software directly, or imported from existing Accounting or ERP software (see ERP Integration section).

After entering the PO/SO, the execution is usually carried out using the mobile WMS hardware, allowing ease of mobility in the shipping and receiving areas.

The software allows editing of PO/SO from shipment back to inventory, providing a flexible solution for ‘high change’ environments, commonly found in companies with high order frequency and multiple SKU’s or a perishable nature.

MES Manufacturing Execution System Software
MES Manufacturing Execution System Software
MES Manufacturing Execution System Software

QA / Safety & Allergen Control

Quality Control is key to all organizations.  The user friendly software allows a library of QA questions, responses and stages to be setup, for simple execution on the production floor.

QA Questions are first listed, then linked to specific commodities – this process ensures that the correct QA questions are prompted at the appropriate time with the associated commodity.

QA Events allow specific actions (inventory receiving, moving, adjusting, withdrawing, quarantine etc) to prompt for specific questions.  This functionality typically removes the need for manual QA paperwork.  The time stamping of responses also provides validation that the response is viable.

MES Manufacturing Execution System Software

Operator Controls

Controlling Operator access is a critical part of any manufacturing execution system. Many permissions exist in the standard software, allowing you to define which person has access to specific functions (Such as system setup, languages & scheduling control).

Controls relate to Back Office functionality and also to specific floor tasks, such as WMS, Batching & Finished Product Creation.

Operator logins can be color coded, allowing high contrast production screens to display the selected color for rapid login identification at critical control points.

V5 Manufacturing Execution System

Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) are integral to modern manufacturing processes, offering a blend of automation, digitization, and real-time operational control. These systems are designed to manage, monitor, and track the transformation of raw materials into finished products, providing critical insights that enhance performance, reduce costs, and increase production efficiency.

MES functions extend beyond traditional product and process design, working in conjunction with ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems to offer a more comprehensive operational picture. By integrating these systems, manufacturers can make more informed decisions, combining the strategic insights from ERP with the operational guidance of MES.

Key Functions and Benefits of MES include:

  1. Allocation and Monitoring of Production Resources: MES systems handle the management of essential production resources, ranging from equipment and tools to the skilled workforce needed for production processes.
  2. Management of Specifications and Documents: They efficiently handle essential documents and materials, encompassing work instructions, bills of materials, and design specifications, thereby standardizing processes and reducing the scope for errors.
  3. Equipment Maintenance Management: MES systems also manage the maintenance and scheduling of facilities and equipment, ensuring operational continuity and reducing downtime.
  4. Product Quality Control: These systems support robust quality control measures based on real-time data collection, ensuring consistent product quality and compliance with regulatory standards.
  5. Work Schedule Management: MES enables the creation of detailed work schedules based on production plans, including employee assignments and shifts, optimizing the workforce deployment.
  6. Work Arrangements and Manufacturing Instructions: MES systems issue clear instructions regarding production parameters, helping to streamline manufacturing processes and reduce inefficiencies.
  7. Worker Placement and Situation Management: They manage the placement and status of workers, ensuring optimal allocation of human resources.
  8. Collection of Process Data: MES systems collect data for each process, offering real-time visibility into production progress and enabling proactive decision-making.
  9. Monitoring and Supporting Work Processes: These systems monitor work processes and support work procedures, aiding in operational management and decision-making.
  10. Product Tracking and System Management: MES offers tracking capabilities for work-in-progress and finished products, aiding in inventory management and product traceability.
  11. Performance Analysis and Reporting: They analyze and report on production status, offering insights into operational performance and areas for improvement.

In the context of SG Systems Global’s V5 Control Center Software, it aligns closely with MES functionalities. The software facilitates production scheduling, recipe formulation, inventory control, and purchase and sales order management. With an emphasis on quality assurance and operator controls, it supports the core objectives of MES, including resource allocation, process monitoring, and quality control. The software provides full traceability, a key aspect of MES, tracking materials from receiving to shipping and serving as middleware to extend ERP functionality with real-time production floor data.

Overall, SG Systems Global’s V5 Control Center Software exemplifies the capabilities of an MES, offering a holistic solution for automating and managing manufacturing processes. Its features support the essential functions and benefits of an MES, making it a powerful tool for improving production efficiency, quality control, and operational effectiveness in the manufacturing sector.

With V5 Traceability installed, batches are achieved with great accuracy!

Les Howell, Illes Seasonings & Flavors

V5 Traceability has played a big role in managing our product quality which has definitely helped our growth

Mike Prasek, Prasek’s Hillje Smokehouse

V5 Traceability is truly a great system to gain full insight of your business and make decisions in a timely manner.

Anthony Pariti, Always Bagels

V5 Traceability makes the recipe formulation process more secure and dependable. Thanks a lot for the implementation!

Ricardo Hernández, Nestle

With V5 Traceability we can track the path of our product through all production, processing and distribution stages right to the end consumer.

Scott Baker, 5 Generation Bakers

Before we installed V5 Traceability, Simpli-Baked had been working in ‘Excel-hell’!

Kieran Walsh, Simpli-Baked

V5 Traceability provides awesome tracking and gives us batch consistency. When we get audited, traceability and recalls are the easiest parts for us.

Danielle Ontiveros, Grab the Gold

V5 Traceability allows us to scale our business model and deliver delicious Cheesecakes nationwide with confidence.

Chris Ortego, Cotton Blues Cheesecake

V5 Traceability reduces onerous data input tasks and makes our ingredient management more efficient.

Stu Rosen, Highland Baking Company

V5 Traceability has enabled our business to achieve greater productivity and quality

Alex Salnikov, Krispy Kreme

Manufacturing Execution System FAQ’s

  1. What is a Manufacturing Execution System (MES) and how does it function in manufacturing? An MES is a comprehensive software system designed to manage and monitor the entire manufacturing process, from the transformation of raw materials to finished products. It automates and digitizes operations, providing real-time insights and control over production activities.

  2. How does an MES integrate with ERP systems, and what are the benefits of this integration? MES systems complement ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems by offering detailed, operational guidance for the manufacturing process. This integration allows for more informed decision-making by combining strategic insights from ERP with the operational details provided by MES.
  3. What are the core functions of an MES, and how do they enhance manufacturing operations? Core functions of an MES include managing production resources, handling specifications and documents, equipment maintenance, product quality control, and work schedule management. These functions streamline operations, reduce errors, and enhance overall efficiency.
  4. How does MES contribute to maintaining and enhancing quality control in manufacturing processes? MES systems play a crucial role in quality control by collecting and analyzing real-time measurement and quality data, ensuring that products consistently meet predefined standards and regulatory requirements.
  5. Can MES systems effectively handle complex production schedules and resource allocation? Yes, MES systems are adept at managing complex production schedules. They allocate resources optimally and schedule work shifts and employee assignments to maximize production efficiency and meet demand.
  6. What is SG Systems Global’s V5 Control Center Software, and what unique features does it offer? SG Systems Global’s V5 Control Center Software is a specialized MES solution that provides extensive control and management of manufacturing execution processes. Its unique features include advanced production scheduling, recipe formulation, inventory control, and seamless integration with purchase and sales order systems.
  7. How does the V5 Control Center Software enhance production efficiency and process management? The V5 software enhances production efficiency by automating and streamlining key manufacturing processes such as scheduling, recipe management, and inventory control. It also facilitates real-time decision-making and process optimization.
  8. Does the V5 software support comprehensive traceability in manufacturing, and how? Yes, the V5 software supports comprehensive traceability, tracking materials at every stage from receiving to shipping. This feature is crucial for quality control, regulatory compliance, and efficient resource management.
  9. Can the V5 software integrate with existing ERP systems, and what are the advantages of this integration? The V5 software can integrate seamlessly with existing ERP systems, acting as middleware to enhance ERP functionality with real-time production floor data. This integration provides a more complete and accurate view of manufacturing operations.
  10. How does MES improve inventory management in manufacturing environments? MES improves inventory management by providing real-time updates on inventory levels, reducing the need for excessive stock and enabling more efficient use of resources.
  11. What role does MES play in reducing waste and optimizing resource utilization in manufacturing? MES plays a crucial role in reducing waste and optimizing resource utilization by providing real-time insights into production processes. This allows for quick adjustments and more efficient use of materials and labor.
  12. How does MES facilitate regulatory compliance and safety in manufacturing? MES helps in regulatory compliance by maintaining accurate records and ensuring adherence to industry standards. It enhances safety by monitoring production processes and identifying potential hazards.
  13. In what ways does MES support environmental sustainability in manufacturing operations? MES supports environmental sustainability by providing insights into the effects of production on resources like water, air, and energy, helping companies to optimize their use and reduce environmental impact.
  14. How does the MES system aid in reducing operational costs in manufacturing? The MES system reduces operational costs by optimizing production processes, reducing waste, and enhancing overall efficiency, leading to lower production costs and increased profitability.
  15. Can MES be used to improve employee performance and engagement in the manufacturing process? Yes, MES can improve employee performance and engagement by providing clear work instructions, optimizing task allocation, and enhancing communication and collaboration among team members.
  16. What impact does MES have on supply chain management and effectiveness? MES significantly impacts supply chain management by collecting and analyzing production data in context, allowing quick identification of deviations from performance targets and enabling more effective supply chain operations.
  17. How does MES contribute to meeting customer demands and improving customer satisfaction in manufacturing? MES contributes to meeting customer demands by ensuring efficient production schedules and quality control, leading to timely deliveries and improved customer satisfaction.
  18. What is the significance of data collection and analysis in MES, and how does it benefit manufacturing companies? Data collection and analysis in MES are crucial for understanding and optimizing manufacturing processes. It provides valuable insights into production efficiency, quality control, and resource utilization.
  19. How does MES help in the standardization of work processes and reduction of dependency on individual skills in manufacturing? MES helps in standardizing work processes by converting technical knowledge into data and sharing it across the organization. This reduces dependency on individual skills and ensures consistency in quality and efficiency.
  20. What are the long-term strategic benefits of implementing an MES like the V5 Control Center Software in manufacturing? The long-term strategic benefits of implementing an MES like the V5 Control Center Software include enhanced operational efficiency, better resource management, improved product quality, and increased competitiveness in the market.