Oracle NetSuite

Integration using V5 Connect

Oracle NetSuite V5 Traceability


‘V5 Connect’ allows companies that use NetSuite as their host ERP to exchange data with V5 Traceability applications automatically. (See NetSuite SuiteApp Listing)

The standard method for data exchange for current releases of NetSuite (non-BETA) is SOAP XML. Future releases of NetSuite will include the JSON API, which can be seamlessly integrated.

The diagram below highlights Master Data locations. SG Systems typically uses the host ERP system as the master data center. However, there are manufacturing and quality data requirements (such as image capture) that reside within the V5 Traceability database.

Below is a sample of a NetSuite integration at a plant using V5 Traceability software applications from receiving to shipping, with multi-level BOM’s and schedules. SG Systems can tailor V5 Connect to push and pull any data at any time interval. The data mapping process is part of our standard services package.

Comprehensive Integration for Streamlined Operations:

NetSuite’s integration with SG Systems Global’s V5 Traceability software transforms the way companies manage their manufacturing and supply chain processes. From real-time data exchange to multi-level Bill of Materials (BOMs) and schedules, this combination offers a tailored solution for data mapping and transfer. Businesses leveraging this integration benefit from increased accuracy, efficiency, and seamless operations from receiving to shipping.

Innovative Traceability for Manufacturing Industries:

The food manufacturing sector significantly benefits from the integration of NetSuite with SG Systems Global’s V5 Traceability software. This synergy ensures batch consistency, minimizes ingredient wastage, and upholds strict audit compliance standards. The alignment of NetSuite’s ERP capabilities with specialized traceability software provides food manufacturers with unprecedented control and efficiency in their processes.

Paperless Operations and Quick ROI Across Industries:

V5 Traceability, a versatile and paperless software solution, perfectly complements NetSuite, offering an essential plugin to existing ERP and accounting systems. Suitable for businesses of all sizes, it facilitates warehouse management and provides a swift return on investment. Companies aiming to modernize their operations find this integration an invaluable tool in achieving operational excellence and traceability.

Error Prevention and Data Accuracy Enhancement:

The amalgamation of NetSuite with V5 Traceability effectively addresses the challenges of manual traceability errors. The integration brings in a Gateway module that enhances the accuracy of inventory, production, and order management, thereby eliminating common issues associated with manual processes. This ensures that ERP systems are equipped with accurate and accountable data, preventing losses and inaccuracies.

End-to-End Traceability Solutions:

This integration offers comprehensive traceability, including forward and backward tracing capabilities. Ideal for companies needing a single solution to track materials across the entire production cycle, it extends ERP and accounting software functionality. From receiving to shipping, including batching and production processes, businesses can enjoy full traceability and operational oversight.

Enhanced Operational Flexibility and Customization:

NetSuite and V5 Traceability’s integration is designed to adapt to various business models and operational needs. Companies can customize the data exchange frequency and the types of data exchanged, allowing for a highly adaptable and flexible system. This ensures that businesses of different scales and industries can leverage the benefits of this integration, tailoring it to their specific needs.

Real-Time Data Access and Decision Making:

The integration empowers businesses with real-time data access, enabling faster and more informed decision-making. This is particularly crucial in dynamic market conditions, where timely information can be the difference between success and failure. Companies can react swiftly to market changes, inventory levels, and production demands, thanks to the instantaneous data flow between NetSuite and V5 Traceability.

Scalable Solutions for Growing Businesses:

As businesses grow, their operational and traceability needs evolve. The integration of NetSuite with V5 Traceability is scalable, catering to the expanding requirements of growing businesses. This scalability ensures that companies can continue to benefit from the integration without the need for significant system overhauls, making it a long-term solution for businesses on a growth trajectory.

CMS - Chemical Management System | Chemical Traceability Software
SG Systems Global | Manufacturing Traceability Software | Manufacturing Execution System MES | Paperless Traceability Software | Chemical Traceability Software
Formula Control Scale

Formulation Control System

V5 Formula Control Scale System is the perfect way to ensure ingredients are measured & Traced accurately and consistently, without costly giveaway or out of specification batches. Brochure

The system ensures each weighed ingredient has enforced +/- unique tolerances, preventing recipe completion until all ingredients are weighed using the green speedometer style target zone.

The systems scans and validates lot numbers in NetSuite, providing real time inventory usage and eliminating costly traceability paperwork.

Hundreds of configuration options exist in the standard system, enabling each workstation to be setup to handle many applications including batch, campaign and combination weighing.

The system provides effortless compliance with auditors including BRC, FDA, GFSISALSAAIB and provides compliance with regulations including FSMA

Formula Control Scale
Formula Control Scale
Formula Control Scale
Formula Control Scale
Formula Control Scale
Formula Control Scale

NetSuite Batching Screens

The simple to use intuitive system allows management to schedule production jobs (or import from ERP) to 1 or more area specific batch terminals.

Each ingredient step has unique conditions (weighed, key entry, counted, bulk control ect) and jobs can be weighed in horizontal (campaign) or vertical (batch) modes, in sequential or none sequential modes.

The flexible system allows strict batch compliance, or the option to batch edit the formula or schedule on the fly.

Operator specific logins allow varying levels of access and control, recording all  activity.

Formula Control Scale
Formula Control Scale - Mixer Collation
Formula Control Scale
Formula Control Scale

Mixer Collation (Double Validation)

For customers wishing to scan pre-weighed / staged ingredients into a mixer or holding vessel, SG Systems offers a ‘Mixer Collation’ option.

Mixer Collation validates ingredient addition by forcing operators to scan each serialized ingredient label (pre-weighed or whole bag addition) before adding to the mixer.

Serialized Ingredient Labels are created at the point of weighing ingredients or at the time whole bags are moved from general inventory location into the staging areas in NetSuite.

As each item is added (using a tablet PC or Terminal), the display green highlights the addition.  Upon batch completion, inventory is relieved.

Chemical Traceability Software

Safety, Allergens, SOP’s & QA

Commodity specific messaging ensures operator confirmation with requirements such as Allergens, Safety Instructions, HACCP & SOP’s.

Import the latest GHS Safety & Allergen Symbols to display to operators at the correct time, each time.

Create a custom library of quality assurance questions and answers to facilitate the requirements of HACCP, COSHH, SOP’s and GMP (plus many other qualify and safety standards).

The system records responses to batch specific questions, allowing for a paperless QA environment.

Ingredient / Batch Labels

Many label printing options exist to identify Ingredient / Batch printing applications.  (Click here for finished product label printing).

Standard Label Fields

Job & Batch Number, Recipe Code, Recipe Description, Operator Code & Name, Produced Date & Time, Batch Expiration, Mix Size, Batch Size, Bag Number, Weigh, Container Count.

Labeling Events (events which generate labels)

Ingredient weigh, lot change, batch end, container change, separate ingredients, non-weighed items, suspended / aborted batch.